GW Community School

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Create, Explore, Problem-Solve, Innovate, Express Yourself and Have Fun!

GWCS AP® Computer Science Principles

Teacher:  Dr. Cox

AP® Computer Science Principles (APCSP) was specifically designed by the National Science Foundation and the College Board to attract diverse students to computing and unleash their creativity, leveraging the power of computer science to make the world a better place for everyone.

In APCSP at GWCS, we spend the first semester learning the principles that underlie the internet. We explore computing innovations, their impact on society, and the data privacy and security concerns that come with using the internet. In the second semester, students learn about abstraction and algorithms while coding in Javascript, creating web apps which reflect their own interests and priorities.

Above are a few screenshots from a student-created app. Early in the second semester, students are learning how to make their apps engaging by including elements such as buttons, images and sounds. You can use the app yourself  - click here.  

Learn more about this APCSP course at:

GW Community School
AP® Computer Science Principles
Caroline Cox, Teacher
January 19, 2018

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