GW Community School

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The 2015 PAC Online Auction lasted for two weeks and ended on February 25th at 10:00 pm with a Big Bang!  We broke our record of $12,400 and raised $15,523 this year making this our third year of record breaking fundraising! A huge thank you to our volunteer auction committee for all of their hard work: Deiadre Rauch, Chair, Jeanine Ferguson, Mary Beth Cole, Linda Campbell and Christina Carlisle.  Many more thanks go out to all of the local retailers (including our wonderful neighbors at King's Park Shopping Center), as well as all of the GWCS parents and friends who donated items, solicited donations and placed bids.  It takes a village to run an auction, and GWCS has the best village ever!  

There were many "Buy A Spot" items such as A Belgian Dinner, English Tea Party, Bunko Night, Dinner & Theater with Mr. Goldie and a Craft Beer and Bites night that will keep our community celebrating together for fun, friendship and laughter over the coming months.  

100% of the funds raised in the 2015 PAC Auction will be put towards our Outside the Box experiential learning program(OBX), class trips, and technology. Last year we were able to seriously elevate our OBX program and students were able to participate in a real DNA gel electrophoresis lab, team-building at GMU’s The Edge program, an actual mission at the Spy Museum and much more. Class trips included camping, Gettysburg, and the Senior Essay Writing Retreat. Technology upgrades included new projectors and speakers. This year we look forward to being able to provide high-quality experiential learning opportunities, expanded class trips, and a complete migration to The Cloud providing better stability and consistency in our computer services.

Thank you GWCS PAC (Parents Acting Collaboratively) for making all of this possible!

Sampling of some of the 150+ items sold at this year's auction...