When thinking about dissections in high school, we usually think about dissecting a frog. At GWCS however, our students get to dissect pig hearts. A pig heart is much larger than a human heart, but very similar in structure making it easier to study. Recent medical technology has even allowed a pig heart to be successfully transplanted into a human! (read more) Dissections are performed to enhance understanding of anatomy in a hands-on setting. By taking the lesson out of a 2-D diagram and providing a real organ for students to study, they gain a greater appreciation for the complexity of organ systems in the body. This lab also gives our students a chance to develop laboratory skills that they may utilize in their future studies and potentially cultivate an interest in pursuing a career in science.
Although a dissection can be an intimidating experience at first, all of our students were excited to explore the pig hearts! As one of our students said, “I can’t believe there is one of these beating inside me”. Each student was able handle the heart and explore every pathway within it. Even though our students had been studying the cardiovascular system, many of our students were surprised at what the heart actually looked like. Throughout our lab, our students had so many unexpected learning experiences and revelations.
“I didn’t think the chambers would be so small.”- Gabby
“The heart felt much tougher than I thought it would.”- Jay
“It’s so cool how this vessel feels just like rubber.”- Brody
“I didn’t expect there to be so much detail inside.”- Alex

Pig Heart Dissections
GWCS Science Lab
Biology & Anatomy & Physiology Classes
Alex Corrigan